
Abhyanga Massage (Full Body Massage)

The Ayurvedic massage goes beyond mere relaxation. It soothes the senses, improves circulation, and releases blockages. Feel lighter, balanced, and revitalized after this deeply indulgent treatment.

1 hour 90.00

1.5 hours 120.00

Available in combination with


1.5 hours 130.00

2 hours 160.00


Padabhyanga (Foot Massage)

During this Ayurvedic foot massage, we will scrub your feet and put on some warm oils.

We'll use firm pressure and Kansa Wand bowls to activate pressure points on your feet.

This treatment relieves tired feet and legs, reduces stiffness in the arch, makes your soles smoother, and strengthens foot muscles.

45 minutes 55.00


Ubtan (Rejuvenating Facial)


Experience a relaxing treatment where your face is pampered with an invigorating oil massage, followed by a revitalizing herbal steam and a nourishing mask. This Ayurvedic facial promotes relaxation, gently removes dead skin cells, and replenishes your skin with moisture and essential nutrients.

1 hour 75.00


In combination with a relaxing

Shiro-Abhyanga (Head Massage)

1.5 hours 125.00

In combination with a stimulating

Abhyanga (full-body massage)

2 Hours 155.00


Nasya (Sinus Treatment)


We will start with a calming facial massage, then provide a soothing steam bath with herbs, and finally apply healing oil to your nose.

This treatment helps with stuffy nose, allergies, and seasonal allergies. It promotes relaxation and boosts mental clarity and memory.

30 - 45 MINUTEs 45.00
