Founded by Ayurvedic Practitioner Undine Damhuis, the Prana Treatment Room is dedicated to guiding and empowering individuals in whole life health for Mind, Body & Spirit.


Undine Damhuis

Ayurvedic Practitioner

Adv. Dip. Remedial Massage & Rehabilitation


Coming from a charming cure town nestled in the heart of Germany, renowned for its rejuvenating mud baths and mineral-rich iron water, I have always felt a strong connection to various holistic healing practices throughout my life.

My family background is also rooted in the medical field, so it felt natural for me to venture into the allied health system. However, after completing school I first pursued a career as a travel agent. This path ultimately led me to where I am today, passionate about holistic wellness at Prana Treatment Room.

To explore the world was an incredible gift given to me by my parents as we navigated our way through the unique upbringing of the GDR (German Democratic Republic). Our adventures usually concluded just behind the border in the Czech Republic. However, as soon as the wall came down, a new world of possibilities opened up for us, allowing me to immerse myself in diverse cultures and explore different countries. This newfound freedom ultimately led me to make the decision to relocate to Switzerland, where I pursued an enriching career at Globetrotter for a couple of years.

In 2009, a life-altering accident occurred within my family, reshaping our approach to medical care and rehabilitation. However, before transitioning to a new career, fate led me on a journey across the African continent. Settling in Cape Town, I immersed myself in an ocean conservation society, channelling my passion into organizing music events and broadcasts. Despite the allure of the high life, the pervasive criminal issues in the country prompted a reassessment of my future. It became evident that I desired a safer environment, and I yearned to delve deeper into understanding the intricate connection between humanity and the soil, particularly in relation to our dietary habits.

Australia seemed like the ideal destination for me, prompting my foray into self-study of farming. This endeavour led me to explore biodynamic, organic, spray-free, and even conventional farm practices. A pivotal conversation centred on the concept of "You are what you eat," ignited my passion to integrate education that harmonizes food and its healing properties with various therapies. My immersion in Ayurveda, under the guidance of Professor Jason Chandler in Byron Bay, not only facilitated my personal growth and healing but also equipped me with the means to offer support and assistance to others.

The therapeutic aspect is fundamentally crucial as it significantly contributes to enhancing one's well-being while addressing any existing issues. The process of healing not only benefits the individual but also aids in promoting a sense of overall wellness. My primary focus revolves around imparting knowledge on dietary habits, digestive processes, and the absorption of essential minerals within the body. Referred to as DPA (Deepana, Pachana, and Anulomana), this indispensable framework encompasses the efficient functioning of these three components, enabling the body to respond favorably to various treatment modalities and promoting optimal health.

With the additive part of the remedial massage and advanced rehabilitation, I can skillfully merge both systems to address the unique needs of each individual, whether or not there have been underlying issues. This integrated approach ensures a comprehensive and personalized treatment experience for every client.

There is no end to the learning of Ayurveda.
Hence you should carefully and constantly devote yourself to it.
You should increase your skill by learning from others without jealousy.

The wise regard the whole world as their teacher, whereas the ignorant consider it to be their enemy.
— Charaka Samhita

Prana Treatment Room

2 Cash Road

Eumundi, 4562



Hours of Operation

Wednesday - Friday

09:00 - 5:30


after appointment


Contact Us

Please contact us directly to book an appointment for an Ayurvedic Health Consultation, Treatment or Cooking Classes.

+ 61 432 233 055