Undine Damhuis Undine Damhuis

Padabhyanga (Foot Massage)

During this Ayurvedic foot massage, we will soak and scrub your feet using oils made out of ghee to massage your feet.

We'll use firm pressure and Kansa Wand bowls to activate pressure points on your feet and help the elimination of toxins.


  • Tired feet and legs

  • Reduces stiffness in the arch

  • Smoothens your soles

  • Strengthens foot muscles

Classical texts link the soles of the feet to the eyes. Therefore, regular foot massages may improve eyesight.

Currently, this is only available when combined with the Abhangha Full Body treatment.

Padabhyanga & Abhyanga 1.5 hrs 150.00

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Undine Damhuis Undine Damhuis

Jambeera Pinda Sweda (Skin treatment and Mobilisation)

For this specialised treatment, I am crafting boluses that are composed of fresh lemons combined with a thoughtfully selected range of rejuvenating fresh herbs and leaves. This unique combination works together to generate an immediate and invigorating effect on your skin, resulting in an incredibly smooth, soft, and well-toned sensation.

This approach falls under the category of swedana, which refers to sweating therapy, and langhana, which is an essential technique that assists in the effective removal of toxins, known as ama, as well as any accumulated waste in the body.

Initially, you will receive a thorough full-body abhyanga massage, followed by a specialised massage incorporating the herbal pinda.


  • weight loss

  • cellulite

  • joint swelling

  • pain in the joint

  • muscle stiffness

  • rheumatoid arthritis

  • frozen shoulder

To book this treatment, please schedule it 24 hours ahead. We can customiSe it to fit your needs.

Pinda Sweda 90 MINUTES 175.00

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