ayurvedic treatments

Uro Basti (Respiratory & Circulatory Treatment)

During an Uro Basti treatment, a warm oil is applied to the chest area after a gentle massage. This helps relax and relieve tension, support heart health, and control the pulse rate.

According to Ayurveda, this oil is believed to enhance blood flow from the heart and improve overall circulation.

Uro Basti is a treatment that eases pain in the chest and sternum. It also provides relief for conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and tension in the diaphragm and muscles between the ribs. Furthermore, it has a calming effect that can help with anxiety.

45 minutes 80.00

SET OF 3 220.00

Available in combination with

Abhyanga (full-body massage)

1.5 hours 150.00


Nasya (Sinus Treatment)


We will start with a calming facial massage, then provide a soothing steam bath with herbs, and finally apply healing oil to your nose.

This treatment helps with stuffy nose, allergies, and seasonal allergies. It promotes relaxation and boosts mental clarity and memory.

30 - 45 MINUTEs 45.00
